50th Article: LF Alliance Guild
Since the re-launch of the website in February this year, this is the 50th article I've written on this site!
Just something I thought should be noted, it means I'm definitely updating at least once a week on average, which is better than normal!
Currently on the lookout for an Alliance guild for my current druid (level 92 and not counting!), and future Gnome Hunter. I'm keeping my free level 100 boost from my pre-purchase of Legion for her. Not particularly fussed about server, just that it must be some form of PvE server, RP or not, no PvP servers please!

Nothing more annoying than being attacked when trying to go about your daily business, that would make me lose patience with the game very quickly indeed

Most of my characters are Horde, naturally, and they're all on Kilrogg EU. However I'm quite happy setting up a home for my Alliance toons on any server in the EU. Preferably a medium-high pop server, with a good raiding environment.
The guild itself should be a more mature guild. This means a fairly stable guild with older players. The one problem that has always plagued me when trying to find an Alliance guild is the ones I've previously joined seemed to be full of kids recruiting for the sake of recruiting, to amass the largest guild possible.
Problem is the guilds that form as a result are either completely dead in guild chat *tumbleweed*, or if /g is active, it's full of kids and idiots that think trolling any channel with a /number is the height of comedy.
I know raiding with a hunter is going to have hard competition in Legion, given the sheer numbers of other hunters out there, but I do love my hunters, and a Gnome hunter is definitely going to get a very significant chunk of my time.
However given the changes to 5 mans in Legion, and the fact that they'll be competitive with raiding (

So further Alpha invites have gone out over the past couple of days, and yours truly has yet again managed to avoid an invitation.
I only wish my avoidance & dodge capability was this good when I was tanking!

Just a quick snippets post this one, and I now have access to write from work, which will be handy. Most of my days in work are reactive, waiting on work coming in, so it should lead to some more frequent posts...