A week of Blizzard related events...
So this week has been great :D
First up on Monday (23rd) I attended the live cinema launch event for OverWatch!
It wasn't bad, a lot of the cinematics, followed by a developer Q&A, but at least the Soldier 76 cinematic was new to me, as I deliberately didn't watch it ahead of time :)
Winding back a bit, the previous Monday (16th) I was contacted by a PR firm working on behalf of Universal Pictures, who wanted to invite me to a couple of events this week, both of which were in Dublin.
Both events were related to the Warcraft: The Beginning movie. First up was an Art event in Temple Lane South on Tuesday (24th), where I was invited to take part in the creation of a mural depicting a scene from the movie:
So I was there most of the day, from about 11:30am until 6pm. And when you factor in the fact I live just outside Belfast, I had over 230 miles of a round trip, and 7 hours travelling both days!
I really enjoyed the art event, watching @solusstreetart creating the above scene and getting to see Dublin as well! That was my first time in the city, despite having lived in Belfast all my life. Derp.
Dublin is gorgeous though, and the weather on Tuesday for the event was absolutely wonderful. Sunny and warm all day, and it showed Dublin off to its best. The city is set along the river Liffey, and it's just really beautiful.
So that was Tuesday's event, then on Thursday (26th) I was invited to the Irish Premiere for the Warcraft movie itself!
Yep, I've already seen the film, more than a week ahead of it's UK release on Friday 3rd June!

There's a review embargo in place until this coming Monday (30th) at 12pm UK time, so I'll not be publishing my full thoughts until then.
But expect a long and thorough review at that point, giving my full thoughts on the film, what worked, what didn't work, what frustrated me and what impressed me.
But, to give a taste, some of my tweets from last night, right after seeing it:
Make sure to come back on Monday at 12:01pm for the full review!