Blizzcon 2017 - Does Battle for Azeroth make sense after Legion?

Blizzcon has wrapped up for another 12 months, and for the first time in 4 years, we've had a Blizzcon expansion announcement!

Battle for Azeroth looks to bring the game back to its classic roots, pitching the Horde and the Alliance into an all out war harkening back to the conflict that birthed the franchise some 20+ years ago in Warcraft 1: Orcs v Humans.

However the base premise of the expansion seems to me to be somewhat forced to say the least. For the duration of Legion the emphasis has been on our Class Order halls. These were Sanctuary spaces where players of each class could, if not interact (still a dumb design decision), at least exist in the same space in a more friendly manner.

Now, all of a sudden that sense of class pride and cross-factional co-operation and camaraderie is being thrown under the bus for the sake of ice cream? Read more →

Coming full circle in the World of Warcraft... (Part Two)

In Part One, I outlined the many problems faced by players of Balance Druids in Nighthold and almost certainly ones that will continue into Tomb of Sargeras:

  • The damage ceiling of the spec is disturbingly close to the floor for many other damage specs in the game.
  • Damage output is punished cruelly by heavy movement and target switching.
  • Mediocre damage in AoE heavy fights, even though that should be Balance's niche.
  • Poorest damage of all specs in the game in single target encounters in Nighthold.

So a few weeks ago, I began privately mulling over a change Read more →

Ironically, Balance is anything but... (Part One)

When I began playing Balance, it was out of necessity rather than any real desire. I was Horde at the time, and we had more than enough regularly signing tanks and were in need of ranged DPS players, being heavily saturated with melee players as we were.

I enjoyed the new version of Balance and actually still do. I like how it plays, especially in comparison to the older Eclipse mechanic based version of Balance that had been done away with. Yes it is now much simpler, but that is to its benefit IMO.

However, the main problem that Balance has seen all expansion so far, and one that looks certain to continue, is the damage ceiling for the spec. Read more →