The Guide to Taming Thok

Thok, the Devilsaur from Siege of Orgrimmar in MoP is a gorgeous big beastie. The good news, for BM hunters at least, is that with 7.0 he is now tamable!


So, how does one go about getting through to Thok, given that he's over midway through the raid instance, and Galakras, the famously un-soloable fight lies in between you and he?

Well, let's get into it with this guide to getting there and getting your very own Sparky! Read more →

PTR Hunter Preview: The Survival Hunter

Having previously had a look at the Beast Master Hunter spec, followed by the Marksmanship Hunter, we now get around to the spec that's seen the most change of all: the Survival Hunter spec.

Survival for the longest time has been the red-headed stepchild of the Hunter specs. Never quite up there in terms of popularity or DPS, but it still had its fans, and they were loyal fans as well. So it was quite a niche spec. However Blizzard with the coming of Legion, have seen fit to make wholesale and sweeping changes to the spec, and is the first spec in WoW's history (correct me if I'm wrong) to change roles. Previously a ranged DPS spec it has now become a melee DPS spec.

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That's my secret, I'm always angry...


Really, properly, angry.

A white-hot, incandescent, rage-fuelled, burning, seething, roiling, pure, barely restrained anger.

That's how I've felt since the result of the EU Referendum was announced in the early hours of Friday morning, when the UK had, incomprehensibly, voted by a slim margin to leave the EU.

My last post about this before the referendum was largely an on the fence one, but as you have probably guessed I went with my head rather than my heart, and made the sensible, logical choice to remain a member of the EU.

It seems however, that slightly too many people within the UK, particularly in Little England, actually fell for the jingoistic, xenophobic, misplaced patriotism espoused by the Leave campaign in the run up to the vote. Now of course begins Project Backpeddle, as the likes of Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Liam Fox and Daniel Hannan start telling us that in reality: Read more →