Buying Loot Boxes in OverWatch?
Or, what are the odds, eh?
So last night I bought a stack of loot boxes in OverWatch. I bought the pack of 24 for £15.99, so hardly breaking the bank.
So for those of you wondering what the odds are of you getting one of the sweeter skins in the game, IE the Legendary ones?
Well, I got 2 legendary drops. One was a skin:

And the other was a massive dose of currency. In all I got 1335 currency, both directly from currency drops, and from the small amounts you get when you get an item you've already got.
And as you get more stuff, the chances of you getting a duplicate are obviously a lot higher than they would've been otherwise, so sadly as you get more unlocks the loot boxes themselves become lesser in value, as you'll likely only get small amounts of "commiseration currency" instead of anything you really want.
So I had bought Reinhardt's White & Gold skin with the currency I'd had yesterday morning:

But after getting the needed currency last night I splurged on his Stonehardt skin:

As well as Widow's Patina/gold skin:

Reinhardt is a character I play a decent amount of, mainly only when I need to, as going by my stats I play more Widowmaker, Hanzo and Mei than anything else...

So more Reinhardt needed then ;)
So why did I buy a legendary skin for a character who is #8 on my most played list?
Simply because it's an awesome skin, and I can see myself playing more of the ageing German tank as time goes by.
The other option was the Comtesse or Huntress skin for Widow:

So they'll be next on the list...
I got quite a few epic drops, such as Junkrat's prisoner skin, the Carbon Fiber skin for D.Va, the Superior highlight intro for Hanzo, so all stuff I would use anyway.
Common drops were player icons, tonnes of sprays, and a few 75 value skins, such as Symmetra's Technomancer skin.
I'll probably buy some more boxes next month after I get paid again, but atm I'm quite happy with what I got.
But again, per above, the longer you go, and the more boxes you get, either purchased or earnt, the less value future boxes intrinsically have.
I'm well aware of the gambling-based psychology behind why Blizzard have done loot boxes like this, in that they give you a chance at the items you want rather than running through the list of everything you haven't got without duplication.
It's much the same psychology behind their loot drops in WoW, the "one more go" feeling that keeps you playing probably longer than you would've done otherwise, just in case...
So yeah, lots and lots of sprays, lots of dupes, decent amount of currency, some epics and a couple of legendary drops.
For £15.99, to support the game further, and the knowledge that new maps and heroes will always be free?
I'm happy.