CMS Musings and Future Website & Content Direction

You may well by now have noticed that I’m no longer using Wordpress as my site software.
This is in the main due to the amount of hassle and grief I had with the previous installations of WP covering both this site and my guild’s main front page. Admittedly I loved using Wordpress; it was functional, easy, popular, loads of templates & themes, and handled media such as embedding YouTube videos with aplomb. All reasons why it’s used on over 72 million websites globally.
However what is its greatest strength, its popularity, is also its downfall. Because it’s so damned popular, it’s also rife with hacks, DDoS attacks and malware attacking out of date code hosted on the server because of theme files being used that haven’t been updated in a while.
That’s what led me to seek an alternative solution, so after looking for one for a few months, and after trying numerous different solutions (Drupal, Joomla, NibbleBlog etc), I finally settled on B2Evolution.
It’s ok, as far as blogging software goes, but it’s severely limited in theming options. This one was probably the best of a mediocre lot, so I’ll probably look into the skinning engine it uses to see if I can code a better theme, custom to this site. I’m still getting used to the slightly more complex back-end of B2Evo, but I’m getting there, so if you notice any temporary oddities over the coming weeks, pay them no heed :)
I really will miss WordPress and how easy and user-friendly it was, but alas it’s a poison chalice, and I’ve learnt my lesson the hard way over the past several months.
I’ll also be trying to get more textual with you guys as well, and post more on here, rather than relying on videos being the only format of content I throw out there and use this site as little more than a different front-end for my YouTube content. So expect a bit more from this website than previously given ;)
As mentioned in my last video, I’m also going to start branching out into other games as well, as I work through both my mind-bogglingly ginormous Steam back catalogue and through levelling in Guild Wars 2, which I bought recently and have only just begun playing. I did promise other content way back when in the mists of time with my channel trailer (below), and I think it’s about time I started making good on that promise