Legion: Alpha is Live!
So, Legion beta alpha has gone live, and so far the only people with access are those that are either chummy with the devs, have loads of viewers/subscribers on Twitch/YouTube, or have tonnes of readers/followers on Twitter.
Obviously I fall into none of the above categories, so no Alpha here as yet :P
So far though what I've been seeing from others who are in the alpha are limited. Alpha itself is limited to creating Demon Hunters at the moment, but datamining has pulled out both massive lore spoilers (none here), and some nice shots for the various class halls.
The first ones I've really liked the look of were the Paladin and Priest halls:

The paladin class order hall is really lovely. It's probably my favourite so far from all of the ones I've seen. It's really classy and evinces a very holy and devout atmosphere. Great job by the devs and art team so far on this one.

I like the Priest class hall for pretty similar reasons as the Paladin one. It has an appropriately designed aesthetic and looks pretty cosy as well.
I've seen the Hunter Class Hall, and tbh, I'm getting Horde Garrison flashbacks:

That said, the interior looks ok:

Could be worse though, could be the Warlock one, which I have a feeling will look very similar to the Demon Hunter one.
I'll be avoiding printing any major lore spoilers here, and if you're looking to avoid reading any I strongly advise staying the hell away from MMO-C, WoWhead etc over the next few weeks...