Lifting the veil of Sar Crux...
Yep, I've changed locations as well as names. For clarity, the following has changed:
- Twitter handle, from @sargaming to @sarcrux
- Website URL, from to
Why the change?
Well, over the past 6 months or more, I've become a lot more vocal about other things outside of gaming, such as politics, atheism, and so on, alongside the things I've always loved like gaming, books, movies etc etc.
I've been discussing a lot of these on Twitter, and it didn't feel quite right talking about the intricacies of socialism vs capitalism with a gaming related twitter handle.
Similarly I follow quite a lot of atheism related folk on twitter, as well as contacting a lot of companies via twitter, and the gaming part of the handle didn't really sit right.
It's fine when talking about WoW and gaming related matters of course, but when you're tweeting Jeremy Corbyn about his policy choices, or insulting David Cameron for his alleged pig fancying, it's not quite as "grown up" as it could be.
So I sat for hours and hours whilst on holiday in Spain over the past fortnight, and got back yesterday and gave it a lot more thought between then and today, and went through literally dozens of different permutations and combinations of various words that seemed to fit.
The other thing I had to keep in mind was being able to get the name on both Twitter and as a .com domain name. This is the first .com I've ever owned, usually opting for .net domain names, but I thought I'd give it a go after reading a few books on blogging and improving my writing whilst on hols.
So I obviously wanted to expand my horizons a bit further, and increase the range of my subject matter beyond merely gaming, and WoW in particular.
So what now?
Needless to say that WoW and games will still form the vast majority of the subject matter on this site and my twitter feed as we go forwards, but the change to at least lifts the shackles of gaming from my hands and gives me the purview to speak on a wider range of topics without it feeling incongruous or ill-fitting.
So I settled on the word Crux, because it seemed a good word to use for the way I want to use this site and twitter feed from now on. I like writing (dur), and I, as best I can, always try to get to the crux of the matter being discussed.
CRUX: noun, plural cruxes, cruces [kroo-seez] 1. a vital, basic, decisive, or pivotal point: The crux of the trial was his whereabouts at the time of the murder. 2. a cross. 3. something that torments by its puzzling nature; a perplexing difficulty.
This site and my twitter feed will also form the crux of my presence on-line. I will still be making videos, but I've never really had the time or energy to pump them out like some YouTube producers can. It's frequently weeks or even months between videos, and I do feel bad for seemingly abandoning my subscribers there when it gets to be a while since the last video.

I'm getting a new video card this week (The Geforce 970 GTX), so maybe the increased frame-rates and fidelity will inspire me to make videos more often, but I make no promises!

Comments enabled!
To celebrate this mini re-launch, as a test, I've enabled comments.
I've had these disabled for the past year because of spam, and bots attacking the site when they were enabled last, meaning about a year ago I was plagued with downtime and hacks by Croation/Russian botfarms.
If the same thing happens again, I'll be immediately disabling all comments once more, so fingers crossed...
Wrapping up....
However what I will be actively trying to do is improve my writing. As I said earlier, I've been reading a few books on writing, specifically blogging, and will be trying out some of the tips I've garnered from those sources.
Anyhoo, that's it for this one, I hope you like the new name, it's subject neutral so I don't imagine I'll be changing it again any time soon, which is a relief as it now allows me to spread my author's wings!