Mythic: Was it worth it?

Before I get talking about Mythic, I want to talk about our own progression in BRF. With Thunder doing our normal business of starting off nice and slow, and building up to a finish, we’ve begun in Blackrock Foundry in Normal Mode, and so far we’ve got up to 9/10 down inside of the first 4 nights, and we’re going to be starting work on Blackhand next night out.
We intend to get cracking in Heroic next reset, so we’ve a full night on Blackhand to get him down in Normal mode before we move onto heroic. I’m hoping it’s not going to be a situation like Highmaul where we only kill the final boss a handful of times, but the main difference here is we’ve got BRF until the next full raid tier comes out in 6.2.
6.1 hasn’t even dropped yet, so it looks like we’ve got ourselves BRF for at least another 5/6 months.
Personally I think separating the instances like this was a mistake, as realistically no-one’s going to go back now to Highmaul, especially given the difference in gear levels; Normal mode BRF drops gear only 5 iLevels below Heroic Highmaul! Hardly something worth worrying about in all honesty, although no doubt the min-maxers amongst you would argue otherwise!
So effectively there’s content that’s already invalidated, 3 months into the expansion!

Mythic: Was it worth it?

Anyhow, a world away from Thunder in the race for world first, Midwinter this very morning have leaped to the top of the rankings with their Mythic kill of Iron Maidens, bringing them up to 8/10, very shortly followed by Paragon.
3 days after the content opened on Mythic.
And here was me thinking that Mythic would’ve been harder than old pre-WoD Heroic mode.

Well it doesn’t look like it. In fact it looks as though it was just an excuse to get rid of the arguments about 10 vs 25 and who was really better. And instead, we’ve now got the majority of guilds locked out of doing the hardest level of content because they (and their server population) can’t support Mythic raiding for anything more than a handful of guilds.
Was it really worth ending those arguments, just to lock out the majority of guilds from even stepping foot inside the content? I don’t think it was to be honest, and Blizzard may look back on this change, a change working against the vast majority of the player base, and come to regret it eventually.
And with that said, did it settle any arguments? No, it didn’t. Because none of the teams that were previously World #1 chasers in either 10 or 25 are that far off the pace as it stands:
- Midwinter (8/10)
- Paragon (8/10)
- Method (7/10)
- Blood Legion (7/10)
- Ascension (7/10)
That’s the ranking of the top 5 guilds at the time of writing, and all of them were top guilds in the 10/25 races back in the pre-mythic days. So no, it hasn’t settled any arguments. Top guilds are top guilds, regardless of raid size, and will always challenge for the top spots.
Good luck to everyone for the final 2 bosses!