OverWatch: Why your fave hero may not be your best hero!

So given the new website theme, you can probably guess that I'm still playing a lot of Blizzard's new FPS.

With 21 Heroes it'll obviously take a while to get to grips with them all, and give them all a fair shake.

So far, there's only a couple of characters I haven't really found a love for: Zarya, Winston, Symmetra and until last night D.Va, who I hadn't really played much of at all (less than 2 mins).

So last night, having previously gotten the Carbon Fiber skin in my loot box bonanza, I decided to give her a go and see what she was like.

In short, turns out I'm pretty damned handy with her!


Easily the largest number of eliminations with any character in a single game (to the tune of at least double), and what's more she is absolutely lethal outside of her Mech! A true glass-cannon as a workmate said to me this morning.

I was able to take down Winstons at full health who had Symmetra's shields on them, despite only having 150-ish hit points. Her pistol does massive damage, and I actually got the POTG in the header while outside of her mech.

So the moral of this short OverWatch tale?

Always be willing to try out those heroes you've not touched yet, and never assume you're a better X player than you potentially could be at Y.

This article was updated on December 24, 2024