BfA: The first month
It's week 4 of Battle for Azeroth, and the meat of the expansion kicks off this reset!
Read more →It's week 4 of Battle for Azeroth, and the meat of the expansion kicks off this reset!
Read more →Battle for Azeroth has launched, and most of us by now will have at least one character levelled to the new level cap of 120.
So how did I find my first run levelling experience in BfA? Well...
Read more →So now we know who burned the World Tree Teldrassil, and boy it was a doozy of a reveal...
Needless to say there are spoilers aplenty in this article for the second part of the War of the Thorns questlines, so if you've avoided it so far (how?), then come back and read this later!
Ok, so now we know that it wasn't some third party like Azshara (that was not on my radar) or Jaina trying to provoke war between the factions by inciting the Alliance to go full on as revenge for the burning of Teldrassil. Read more →
So after I initially went through the list of possible mains for BfA a few months ago, and had come up with Hunter, plus some Druid and Warlock action, Alpha and Beta continued apace, and with that came Alpha access for me, and the ability to judge classes and specs first hand.
That turned out to be a waste of time... Read more →
I have now completed my year long journey of Mage Tower challenges.
All in all I got a total of 26, with only Affliction Warlock and Guardian Druid done before the turn of the year. With the recent maxing of artifacts via the Artifact retirement questline I've run in a glut of 15 in just under a fortnight. Read more →
Battle for Azeroth launches in just over 2 months, and with it will come, as is the norm with any new expansion, many changes to game systems, classes and new locations.
One of the biggest changes coming in BfA is perhaps one that has flown under the radar the most in Alpha & Beta, one that has the potential to fundamentally change the social fabric of the game for a significant portion of the player base - the very fabric of Guilds and guild membership. Read more →