Pillars of Eternally writing Sheet Music

As per the video, the class I chose for my first game was a female Moon Godlike Priest, and whilst she's not a straight up healer archetype, she can throw out the occasional heal here and there, as well as dish out the damage

The game by all accounts racks up at about 40+ hours of gameplay, so a real epic along the lines of the Baldur's Gate series, which should keep me occupied for a good while

I'm going to try and tie down a specific day of the week for new videos, be they WoW-related, gameplay of other games or whatever, but I want to try and get regular content up on YouTube. First up though I want to try and get a new intro together.
Believe it or not this involves the use of sheet music and me writing the music for the intro!

This also involves me re-learning musical notation (I used to play multiple instruments as a child/teenager) and composing 8 bars of music.
All this just for the 6 seconds of an intro length. Yeah, I might be a little bit nuts, but #YOLO! *cough*