2018: A Year of Change

As the year draws to a close, thoughts inevitably turn towards both the new and the old. 2018 for me was a tumultuous one in some respects, especially in terms of guild stability and raiding.

I started the year as a mythic raider Alliance side on Silvermoon, and finished it as a mythic raider Alliance side on Silvermoon, but the in between bit was anything but stable...

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A new host and WoW Catchup time!

So I've moved the website to a new host, as visitors to the site earlier today will have seen it in a state of no small disarray! It's taken a while to get everything moved over, but having finally got all my media files uploaded and the database imported from the old host, we should, by and large, be up and running again 100%

If there are any oddities, missing images etc, let me know!

So, onto WoW, and what I've been up to over the past few weeks...

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The Burning of Teldrassil: Morally Grey or downright Evil?

So now we know who burned the World Tree Teldrassil, and boy it was a doozy of a reveal...

Needless to say there are spoilers aplenty in this article for the second part of the War of the Thorns questlines, so if you've avoided it so far (how?), then come back and read this later!

Ok, so now we know that it wasn't some third party like Azshara (that was not on my radar) or Jaina trying to provoke war between the factions by inciting the Alliance to go full on as revenge for the burning of Teldrassil. Read more →