Welcome to Sar Gaming!

Welcome to the new website!
I've had a LOT of downtime recently due to nefarious activity on the webspace, and various attacks and shut-downs by my webhost, but we're back up and running now, with a fresh new website and a different CMS solution (Wordpress security sucks ass)!
So, the below video is where we left off...
As for WoW, well Warlords has certainly been a mixed bag so far. An excellent levelling experience, followed by some of the dullest and most boring end-game I've ever seen. I've played through 4 expansions now, and tbh WoD's level 100 experience is very very barren. Beyond Garrison duties and raiding, at the moment, there's not a hell of a lot to do.
It's expounded by the fact that with everyone in their garrisons, capital cities are barren wastelands, and the game feels very empty as a result.
At a time when the game has hit back over 10m subs, for it to feel as empty as it does right now is very weird. And unsettling.
Anyway, I'll be throwing a video up later today of our recent Heroic Imperator/Impregnator kill (many weeks, much grrrs, such /facepalm), so I'll fire it up in a new post here when I get it up

IRL: I've begun work on my degree, which is going to keep me busy over the next 6 years, so see ya all in 2021!

Just kidding, seriously though, I've begun an Honours Degree in Computing & IT with Applied Psychology as a 2nd subject. My workplace is very kindly paying for it for me, so it's up to me to make sure I justify their expense and trust in me to do the business!
I've already submitted an assignment and got 100% for it, so off to a good start