Why I love... PvP!? Or, Sar the Purple People Beater...
Yeah, I know. It shocked me too, trust me.
As you may or may not be aware, I've never been the world's greatest lover of PvP in WoW. In fact I'm somewhat exclusively a PvE carebear for want of a better term.
I've shunned PvP in all of the nearly 8 years I've been playing off and on since vanilla, and I've never really been interested or motivated to partake in PvP, of either Organised or World flavours.
Certainly playing any PvP I had to, for achievements, mounts etc over the years on my Paladin was an exercise in restraint. Me restraining myself from putting my fist through my monitor whilst howling into the black void that would become my soul.
Anyway, having played my Hunter as a side character for several years (before finally making her my main), primarily for the pet collection aspect more than anything else, I've wanted one transmog for her over any other since Cataclysm.
The catch was, as you've probably already surmised, that it was a PvP armour set that could only be bought with Honor points. Bleurgh.
The set in question? The Ruthless Gladiator's Pursuit.
Ruthless Gladiator's Pursuit from Cataclysm
And so it sat on the shelf, with me wistfully looking at it, softly and gently crying inwardly.

And then I decided over New Year's to do something about it, despite the fact that I'd never PvP'd on the hunter before.
The Revelation

I found out that Hunters are to PvP what Paladins are to the colour pink.
Such a night and day difference in enjoyment levels! I played more than one battleground without losing patience. Hell I played more than one battleground without losing, period!
In fact I actually managed to more or less single-handedly win a couple of BG's all by myself by racking up dozens of kills without dying and capturing more carts than anyone else on Silvershard Mines.
Yesterday was easily the most I have ever enjoyed playing PvP in WoW. Without any doubt. I played BG after BG, mostly winning, sometimes losing. But that was ok, because I was racking up Honor Points left right and center.
And after a day of hugely enjoyable PvP I was left with 2 things:
Firstly, an appreciation of how much fun PvP can actually be in World of Warcraft. Albeit a loosely organised one such as a queued battleground, but organised shenanigans such as rated/ranked BGs and Arenas are still beyond where I'm comfortable just yet.
And secondly, enough honor points to finally purchase:

I'm going to likely use the Heroic Dragon Soul crossbow, dropped by Warlord Zon'ozz, as the purple highlights on it match well with the overall transmog aesthetic.

Overall I'm very chuffed with both outcomes.
I'm really happy to finally have the transmog set I've been after for literally YEARS.
But also, PvP is quite likely something I'll be doing a lot more of, maybe even enough of to get a full PvP set of gear. Although I seem to do just fine in my iLevel 713 PvE carebear set ;)