Blog Changes

Wordpress is no more...
With recent shenanigans by the Wordpress CEO leaving a horrible taste in the mouth, I've decided to take the blog off of Wordpress and move it over to be a full on Publii blog.
This means that from now on the site will be hosted elsewhere, and blogging, as sparsely done as it has been this year, will be hopefully a bit more frequent?
Not promising anything, but there we go.
As for WoW?
I've changed guilds (a whole drama in itself), and have continued on with Cutting Edge shenanigans.
My new guild, Sordid, are back on Silvermoon. I seem to bounce between Silvermoon and various other servers, so I guess at this point Silvermoon is home?
Mind you with changes to how guilds function since the launch of TWW, insofar that you can now join a guild from any server, meaning server transfers are strictly not needed now, I guess the idea of a home server/realm is a thing of the past.
If anything I'd probably consider Dentarg my actual home server, as it's where I find it easiest to get a character name free 😁
Either way, since the last update I left Gargantuan Baguettes after a little bit of drama where Team 1 there took a handful of our (Team 2) players to bolster their own ranks. Never mind the fact that Team 2 were on track for Cutting Edge at the time, and Team 1 had already managed to achieve it, apparently reclears for Team 1 were more important than Team 2 achieving CE themselves...
And given the fact that I wasn't one of the "lucky few" deemed "worthy" enough of being poached, I decided to leave, as Team 2 were basically killed off at that point. I think the expectation from my fellow officers was that I would stay on and rebuild Team 2, but that was never happening, especially as all of the above was done behind my back.
My performances since then, free of Raid Leading, have justified that decision, given how the hunters they did choose to go with subsequently performed, so yay me? And in the last few days it looks like even Team 1 has shuttered for good. Not exactly sure what happened, but it appears Ansurek may have killed the team off, with a number of key raiders quitting and moving to other guilds...
Childish schadenfreude aside, my new guild is great. They achieve CE every tier, and have done for many, many expansions, and have been a Hall of Fame guild, most recently back in Shadowlands! They're a more efficient and focused guild as well, which is good, because I hate pissing about with stupid wipes over and over again.
We're currently on our Xmas break atm, but we're working on Mythic Queen Ansurek, the final boss of the tier. So January should see us finish off CE for this first tier of The War Within!
I've made the concious decision that I will NOT be an Officer or Raid Leader going forwards, either in this guild or any future guilds should I ever leave Sordid (which is something I hope never to do). I found out to my cost that Raid Leading comes with a performance penalty, one which apparently isn't taken into consideration when team selection is being made...
I'm not bitter, honest... 😂
So now I'm just concentrating on my playing performance, and justifying my spot in the team, which is actually a lot more chilled than having to worry about getting RL tactics right, and making calls etc.
So, that's been my year so far in WoW. Other than changing guilds there's not been a huge amount to report on.
With the blog now fully moved over to Publii rather than WordPress, I'm hoping I'll be a lot more active than the 3 posts I've made over the past 2 years (eep). WordPress, CEO shittiness aside, also became this unwieldy beast of a thing, with countless plugins required to make the whole thing secure. But with Publii being a flat HTML system there's not much need for the likes of that.
It's a lot simpler, which is something I appreciate a lot nowadays, especially as I'm getting older and essentially can't be arsed with chasing multiple plugins, themes et al in order to make the site usable and secure.
The one downside of Publii is the lack of theming options compared to WordPress, but that's a thing that will affect any other blogging/CMS system, as WordPress reigns supreme in that regard. But Publii is a better system IMO, and I'm happier with the setup now.
So here we are, and it's good to be back!