Still Alive!
Not dead (yet), and still playing WoW...
So it's been a while since I updated this particular blog...
TL;DR to catch up: After getting CE in the first tier of the expansion, I went on to get CE again in the next tier, Aberrus, and am currently working on the penultimate boss, Tindral Sageswift, in Amirdrassil. Meaning barring any shortening of the current tier, we should get our final CE of the expansion :D
Regarding M+: I got KSM again in S2, similar to S1, and this season (S3), I also managed to push and get Keystone Hero! That's the first time I've gotten KSH, meaning I didn't have to wait for CE to get the cosmetic armour upgrade token thingy :)
To say that this expansion has been successful is an understatement. Two Cutting Edges (and a likely third before the end of March), 3 Keystone Masters, 1 Keystone Hero, multiple dungeon portals.... Yeah, I'm thinking it's been a great expansion :)
In guild-related news, I've also been made an officer!
This keeps up a long-running tradition of me being made an officer in every guild I've ever been in 😂
I did have a short-lived dalliance with playing a Boomkin for raids, as we were in desperate need of a druid buff, but all of that practice came while progressing on Smolderon, probably the worst boss to learn how to be a caster on :P
So after we were able to secure the services of another Druid, back to Hunter I went :D
I've also started gearing up my Paladin, finally. Fully cleared Heroic with her last night, getting some pretty nice Ret parses with her along the way:

Ratty Ret Rider Returns!
In other news, I've started a second blog! Yep, while this site is largely concentrating on World of Warcraft, I sort of fell into making a second blog, which is about topics other than WoW...
I say fell into it, because I started experimenting with a static site generation programme called Publii, and I'm loving it.
In terms of a backend for writing, it's very similar to WordPress. Theming-wise, there are a good number of themes available, but nowhere near as wide a choice as is available on WordPress, obviously.
However I've paid for a good looking theme, and I'm loving the simplicity of writing posts and uploading them. The fact it's all static HTML tickles my nerd-brain something shocking, so I think I'll keep it up.
In fact I'd devoted a domain I've had in reserve for a year or two to it:
It's hosted on Netlify, which is a great webhost. Support for it is built into Publii, which means you can just hit Sync from with the program and it uploads everything for you.
Netlify itself is fantastic. It's free until you start using over 100Gb of bandwidth per month, which is a huge amount.
In fact, it's possible that I could convert this blog over to Publii format away from WordPress and host it over there as well, as I'd undoubtedly still be well within that 100Gb monthly limit.
I think that's why I love using Publii so much. It's just a lot less of a headache than WordPress. With WordPress there are umpteen security issues to maintain and stay on top of, theme updates, plugin updates, spam protection, firewall updates, WordPress core updates etc etc...
Whereas with Publii, because it's static HTML, there are no security concerns, no cookie messages, no comments system to worry about, it's just HTML (and CSS and a bit of JavaScript).
So time will tell if I convert this blog over and dump WordPress altogether...