Finding a new home...
Sar Crux is no more, either as a twitter handle or a domain name...
Yes the domain, will still point here, but that will eventually expire, so try to update your bookmarks before that! :)
Why the reason for the change? Well it's because I want to try and steer my online presence away from WoW specifically, and concentrate less on having my name in the "branding" so to speak.
Nerd Rooted came about mainly because there are so so many dead twitter handles at the moment, and trying to get that perfect one is next to near impossible. You think trying to get an available name for your new Shaman is hard? Pfft, try coming up against dead egg accounts with no tweets that were registered in 2009 and never used!
So depressing...
I really wanted something, a "brand" (ick, hate that term) to reflect the fact that I'm proud to be a nerd. That it's something that goes to the very core of my personality, interests and outlook on life.
So after a few days of constant searching, checking and cross referencing that with an available domain name (again, a roadblock on its own), I finally was able to come up with something that not only was available as both a Twitter handle and a domain name, but something I was relatively happy with representing me as a person on the whole, and not just one aspect of my life.
Yes, I will continue to blog about PC games and PC gaming for likely 90% of the time, and a lot of that being WoW & OverWatch, because that's my main past time, but I'd expect a bit more of:
- PS4 Games: I got one for Xmas!
- Art & Design: Trying to teach myself logo design and how to draw!
- Coding: I'm learning Powershell for work, and want to learn to program properly with Python for starters
Continuing coverage of:
- Rants: Puhlease, if this isn't my space to vent, then where is? Oh hello Twitter...
- Politics: As the world becomes ever increasingly right wing, to the point where Neo-Nazis are seen as political reality once more? Yeah, expect this liberal heathen to commentate
- World of Warcraft: I may be on a bit of a WoW break at the moment, due to burn out, but I'm continuing to play, and have no intention on quitting the game in the forseeable future.
- Overwatch: I've been getting back into this during my time stepping back from WoW a tad, and have really been enjoying the DVa game. Also enjoying a lot of characters I didn't first time around, such as Symmetra, Zarya and Zenyatta.
So we're now live at and on twitter at @nerdrooted, so update bookmarks, electronic or mental accordingly!