Still alive #isurvived2016
Don't worry, I'm still around :)
Been taking a break from WoW due to burn out, and been enjoying the time off away from the game over Xmas & New Year, especially as I got a PS4 from Mrs Sar for Chrimbo :D
I've got a pretty hard case of burnout from grinding AP for 3 months straight, so time away is doing me good, especially ahead of Nighthold releasing in 12 days.
Been playing quite a lot of Overwatch too, and enjoying getting into it again. D.Va is my girl, and she can do no wrong! :)
Expect more regular updates and posts soon too, as I've been taking a bit of a writing break over December, mainly due to the amount of assignments and coursework I had to do throughout Nov/Dec for my degree course, but the biggest cock-block has been my work firewall blocking this site because they say it's "game-related". And guess where I at least draft write a lot of my posts?

Anyhow, hope you have all had a great Xmas & New Year, and had a great time with your loved ones :)