The Burning of Teldrassil: Morally Grey or downright Evil?

So now we know who burned the World Tree Teldrassil, and boy it was a doozy of a reveal...

Needless to say there are spoilers aplenty in this article for the second part of the War of the Thorns questlines, so if you've avoided it so far (how?), then come back and read this later!

Ok, so now we know that it wasn't some third party like Azshara (that was not on my radar) or Jaina trying to provoke war between the factions by inciting the Alliance to go full on as revenge for the burning of Teldrassil. Read more →

Splitting the difference between Red and Blue

Or, seeing how the other half live for a change...

So, you may have noticed, if you've been following my recent tweets, that I've been playing a lot of different alts and a lot of them are on the Alliance side of the fence.

I've decided that come Legion, despite the fact that I'll be maining a Guardian Druid for my horde guild, Thunder, it's time for a bit of a change.

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