Membership of guilds is changing forever in BfA

Battle for Azeroth launches in just over 2 months, and with it will come, as is the norm with any new expansion, many changes to game systems, classes and new locations.

One of the biggest changes coming in BfA is perhaps one that has flown under the radar the most in Alpha & Beta, one that has the potential to fundamentally change the social fabric of the game for a significant portion of the player base - the very fabric of Guilds and guild membership. Read more →

A brief sojourn to the Broken Isles in Legion Beta.

All throughout the past 7 months or so, I've been entering competitions on WoWHead, MMOC, MMOG etc etc in order to win a beta key.

So with the expansion about 4 weeks out from the time of writing, and after the pre-expansion patch has gone live, now would of course be the most useless time to get a key to check out the changes.

So OF COURSE... Read more →