Statement of Intent: Part 2
With the pre-tuning issues Hunters have at the moment with rotations over both specs, I've been thinking about a Plan B that would serve as a backup plan should Hunters not get smoothed out...
Read more →With the pre-tuning issues Hunters have at the moment with rotations over both specs, I've been thinking about a Plan B that would serve as a backup plan should Hunters not get smoothed out...
Read more →So PTR has now been up for the past week or two, and along with that, the plethora of changes to various classes on the beta has had me reconsidering my intent for Shadowlands...
Read more →But what if I don't want to heal though? Or, how to choose an unexpected main twice in a row.
Read more →So with raiding off the menu until at least 8.3, and little else left to do ATM, it has gotten to "that" time of the expansion: Levelling alts!
Read more →So Blizzcon has come and gone, and we are left to pick over the information given, and try to surmise what comes next...
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