Legion - The Honeymoon is over!?

So, we're well into Legion's release now, a full 3 months into the expansion and midway through the first tier of raiding with Nighthold to release in January 2017 as the final instance of the first tier.

Of course since the last post (oops, didn't mean to leave it so long), we've had a Blizzcon to let us know exactly where we're going in patch 7.2 Read more →

Back from Hols, back in the saddle!

So after a holiday that couldn't have been timed any worse, raiding has begun!

After the launch of Legion I took 8 days off of work in order to get levelled and get some sort of progress on gearing ahead of raids, because 2 weeks into Legion being live I was due to go on holiday for 10 days!


In fairness though, it was booked long before Legion's launch date was announced, so I blame Blizzard... Read more →

Legion: The road to 110

After quite an epic and longer-ish levelling experience, how did Legion's levelling experience hold up?

As you can probably tell, given the lack of recent articles, I've been somewhat busy playing a particular game since August 30th...

Yep, Legion has launched and has been out now for about 10 days so far. By now most of us will have levelled at least one character to the 110 level cap, and seen a fair amount of the levelling content in doing so.

Blizzard took a fairly novel approach to levelling in Legion, introducing the scaling tech that it's been toying with since Mists to the levelling process. This meant that no matter where you went in Broken Isles, with the exception of the endgame specific Suramar zone, you were always faced with mobs and quests appropriate to your level. Read more →

4 Days before Legion, Blizzard asks: "So Hunters, any class feedback?"

How late is too late to start fixing things?

So, with 4 days left before Legion's big launch day, Blizzard have decided to come out and start asking for feedback on the changes to the Hunter class.

No, no, I'm not kidding. I'm being deadly serious.

Here, go look for yourself.

Now we've had 9+ months of Alpha/Beta where thousands, nay tens of thousands of articles, forum posts, tweets, videos and so on have been made highlighting exactly what is wrong with the Legion Hunter, in comparison to the old Hunter class we used to have. Read more →

Splitting the difference between Red and Blue

Or, seeing how the other half live for a change...

So, you may have noticed, if you've been following my recent tweets, that I've been playing a lot of different alts and a lot of them are on the Alliance side of the fence.

I've decided that come Legion, despite the fact that I'll be maining a Guardian Druid for my horde guild, Thunder, it's time for a bit of a change.

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